Friday, July 24, 2015

Ride-sharing Uber alles!

I confess I've never hailed an Uber ride. For one thing, I don't go often to cities, and for another I am reluctant to pay $80 a month for a web-enabled phone. But I am delighted to see that the mayor of New York has backpedaled on his attempt to stifle Uber in New York City. It's also pleasing to note that Jeb Bush, when he visited a Silicone Valley startup recently, chose Uber rather than the now-customary convoy of black SUVs with police escort. (To be sure, I suspect that it was a 20-something aide who actually hailed the ride.) Similarly, Scott Walker in his first quarterly report has spent a bit more than $3,000 on taxis, of which a bit more than $2,000 went to Uber rides. Long live the gig economy! I've been self-employed since 1968, and really, it's the only way to go.


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