Saturday, February 24, 2024

A debacle in the making

Will the US abandon Ukraine?

Joe Biden's flight from Afghanistan was an embarrassment as bad as Saigon in 1975, and he keeps dithering in his support for the embattled Ukrainians. (They've needed American F-16s for two years and will get the first one in June -- from Denmark!) But it's Republicans in the House of Representatives who're setting us up for another national humiliation. The Wall Street Journal publishes an essay every Saturday on the question of the week, and today it's war correspondent Yaroslav Trofimov asking "Will the US abandon Ukraine?" It's painful reading. My first vote was for Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952, and I've generally voted the party line ever since. If I couldn't support a nominee -- Nixon, Goldwater, Trump -- I'd vote for a third-party candidate along with whatever Republicans were on the ballot. But now those eight Republican nay-sayers in the House of Representatives are making a Democrat out of me. If we can't support a brave country against a revanchist dictatorship, really, what is the United States good for?


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