Monday, March 16, 2009

into the air again

Yesterday morning early, I drove down to Hampton Airfield 7B3 for an hour of school figures before the runway thawed and the mud began to fly. This is the second year in a row that I have slipped out of 'currency' over the winter, not that it matters much since I don't carry passengers anyhow. The Cubs were really swarming: I flew Zero Six Hotel, the yellow 1946 J-3; there was a student (I think) in Four One Victor, the beige L-4 that once belonged to the Massachusetts National Guard; and Mike Hart the airport owner was taking someone around in the Legend Cub built in Texas last year--taking off and landing, taking off and landing. I am 'current' again, but I still don't feel back in the groove. Blue skies! -- Dan Ford


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